The Mortgage Down Payment and Closing Costs Program helps Native American families become first-time homeowners. Because of the high cost of obtaining a mortgage loan many Native American families find it difficult to become homeowners. The Mortgage Assistance Program helps eligible families meet this problem by helping with grant assistance for down payment and closing costs.


To be eligible, clients must meet program guidelines established by the Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA). If a client is determined eligible they will then be referred to a HUD certified lender.



Eligibility Requirements


• Live within the State of Oklahoma.


• Be a first time home buyer.


• Not be an existing or former Mutual Help Participant of NAHASDA Home buyer/Lease with option to Purchase regardless of a Housing Service Area.


• Have an annual family income which meets 50% but does not exceed 80% of the national Median income published by HUD.    Income Guidelines


• Be 18 years or older.


• Provide all requested information, CDIB for preference purposes, Social Security cards, and employment verification for each working family member on the required forms.


• Sign all required forms including the consent for disclosure of information.


• Be able to meet all credit check and financial obligations for loan assistance from an approved and certified financial lender.


• Preference given to Creek Citizens


Mortgage Down Payment & Closing Cost Program


Muscogee Nation Department of Housing

 2951 N. Wood Dr., Okmulgee, Ok 74447 l 918.549.2500 / 1.800.482.1979

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